A blockchain platform that is meant to host apps that are decentralized and scalable is called Solana. It was launched in 2017 and is an open-source project now managed by the Solana Foundation, located in Geneva. Solana Labs, located in San Francisco, developed the blockchain.

The Concept of Historical Proof

Anatoly Yakovenko, also one of Solana’s co-founders, wrote a white paper in November 2017 that described the proof-of-history (PoH) idea. PoH is proof that may be used to validate the sequence of occurrences and the passage of time between them. It is also used to encode trustworthy passages of time into a ledger.

Each node in the network relied on its local clock without understanding other respondents’ clocks in the network, as Yakovenko notes in the white paper that blockchains that were then available publicly did not rely on time. Yakovenko made this observation because each node in the network relied on its local clock. When a text’s timestamp was utilized to decide whether or not to accept or reject the message, the absence of a reliable source of time, also known as a normalized clock, meant that there was not any guarantee that every other participant in the computer system would make the same decision. This was because there needed to be a reliable source of time.

Solana Competes Against Ethereum

Comparisons to Ethereum, the market leader in blockchain technology for decentralized applications (dApps), are unavoidable because of Solana’s quickly growing ecosystem and adaptability.

– Smart contracts: Solana and Ethereum can create intelligent contracts essential for operating cutting-edge applications such as decentralized finance (Defi) and non-fungible tokens. – Solana and Ethereum both can create smart contracts (NFTs).

– Consensus: Solana and Ethereum employ a proof-of-stake (PoS) consensus method, which requires validators to put up their money as collateral in exchange for the right to receive rewards for contributing to the blockchain. Solana makes the PoS system better by including the PoH system as well.

Solana’s substantial advantage over Ethereum in terms of the speed at which transactions are processed, and the expenses associated with such transactions contributed significantly to the excitement surrounding Solana in 2021. Solana’s maximum number of TPS can handle 50,000, and its average cost per transaction is $0.00025. On the other hand, Cryptocurrency can only manage a maximum of fewer than 15 TPS, and its average order price is close to $1.68.

Supported features

Transactions Ledger


Token Balances


Defi Applications


Integration With Erps


Automated Workflows


Native Staking Mining


Cost Basis Impairment


Challenges we solve

  1. Large Volumes – Because digital assets can be programmed, establishing smart contracts may create orders of magnitude greater transactional volume than established firms and assets.Such huge numbers need the design and development of scalable reconciliation engines andprocess processes.
    We can employ people to match and click, but this is a tedious job that few people want to perform for an extended period, and it is not realistic for the Web3 world.
  2. Lack of expertise – Not many trained accountants with years of expertise in blockchain and crypto accounting can bridge the gap between traditional accounting methods and new technologies that challenge them.
    Aggregating, integrating, and correctly importing transactions into historical accounting systems requires patience, expertise, and human labor.
  3. Transaction Charges Transactions on blockchains incur various fees, which fluctuate depending on use and demand. Gas costs, for example, might appear as separate transactions to trade fees withindeals.
    Each blockchain and exchange, broker, custodian, or counter-party may have quirks in how they manage fees, which may be minor on an individual transaction level but may soon add to a significant expense to companies and traders.
    Unfortunately, accountants must often compromise and reverse engineer fee computations by assuming the variances between opening and closing balances are equal.