Fireblocks is a digital asset security platform that offers a range of products and services for securely storing, transferring, and managing cryptocurrency assets. The company’s flagship product is a digital asset wallet that provides secure storage for a wide range of cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, and ERC-20 tokens. The wallet is designed to be easy to use and offers features such as MPC protection and offline storage for added security.

In addition to its digital asset wallet, Fireblocks also offers a MPC security platform that enables businesses and institutions to securely manage and transfer large amounts of cryptocurrency. The platform uses a multi-signature approach, where multiple parties must sign off on a transaction before it can be completed, to provide an additional layer of security.

Fireblocks also offers enterprise-grade custody solutions for institutions and large investors who need to securely store large amounts of cryptocurrency. These solutions are designed to meet the strict security and regulatory requirements of financial institutions, and provide a secure and compliant way to manage digital assets.

Overall, Fireblocks is a leading provider of cryptocurrency security and storage solutions, offering a range of products and services that are designed to help businesses and individuals securely manage their digital assets.

What is MPC?

MPC stands for multi-party computation. It is a cryptographic technique that allows multiple parties to jointly compute a function on their inputs, without revealing those inputs to each other. In other words, it allows multiple parties to collaborate on a computation, without revealing their private data to each other. This is useful in many applications, such as secure voting systems, privacy-preserving data analysis, and secure communication.

MPC relies on a combination of cryptographic techniques, such as secret sharing, homomorphic encryption, and zero-knowledge proofs, to enable the secure collaboration of multiple parties on a computation. It allows parties to securely share the inputs and outputs of a computation, without revealing their private data to each other. This makes it possible to perform complex and privacy-sensitive computations, without compromising the security of the participating parties.

Overall, MPC is a powerful and versatile cryptographic tool that enables secure collaboration and computation among multiple parties, without revealing their private data to each other. It has a wide range of applications, and is an important building block for many cryptographic protocols and systems.

MPC vs Multi-sig

MPC and multi-sig are two different cryptographic techniques that are used for different purposes. MPC, which stands for multi-party computation, is a cryptographic technique that allows multiple parties to jointly compute a function on their inputs, without revealing those inputs to each other. This is useful in many applications, such as secure voting systems, privacy-preserving data analysis, and secure communication.

Multi-sig, on the other hand, is a cryptographic technique that requires multiple signatures or keys in order to complete a transaction. This is typically used in the context of digital asset wallets, where a multi-sig wallet requires multiple parties to sign off on a transaction before it can be completed. This provides an additional layer of security, as it prevents a single party from being able to unilaterally spend the funds in the wallet.

In summary, MPC and multi-sig are two different cryptographic techniques that are used for different purposes. MPC allows multiple parties to securely collaborate on a computation, while multi-sig provides an additional layer of security for digital asset transactions.

Supported features

Transactions Ledger


Token Balances


Defi Applications

Coming soon

Integration With Erps


Automated Workflows


Native Staking Mining


Cost Basis Impairment
