Astar is a blockchain platform that aims to provide fast, secure and efficient transactions, as well as smart contract functionality. Astar is the largest smart contract platform in the Polkadot ecosystem, supporting both Wasm and EVM. While providing native access to the Polkadot ecosystem through it’s parachain slot, Astar also has bridges into other major ecosystems, including Ethereum, BSC, Cosmos, Polygon, and more.

The platform also features a high-performance virtual machine and a multi-chain structure. This allows for a high degree of scalability, allowing for a large number of transactions to be processed at the same time. Additionally, the platform has a built-in token economy, which is designed to encourage user participation and help to ensure network security.

Astar is designed for use in various industries, such as finance, gaming, and supply chain management. The platform’s fast transaction speeds and low fees make it well-suited for use in financial applications, while its smart contract functionality allows for the creation of decentralized applications (dApps) in gaming and other industries. Additionally, the platform’s multi-chain structure and token economy are designed to support the development of decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs).

Overall, Astar aims to provide a comprehensive and efficient blockchain platform that can be used to build a wide range of decentralized applications. Its unique consensus algorithm, high-performance virtual machine, and multi-chain structure make it well-suited for use in a wide range of industries.

Supported features

Transactions Ledger


Token Balances


Defi Applications


Integration With Erps


Automated Workflows


Native Staking Mining


Cost Basis Impairment
